Background info: I love makeup. I have always loved playing around with new colors, new products and creating new looks. I actually don't wear a lot of makeup despite my love of it- my makeup routine literally takes me about 8 minutes start to finish. My daily regime is usually: BB cream or mineral powder, blush, a neutral eye shadow, charcoal eyeliner and 1-2 quick coats of mascara. That's it! For a night out or a special event, of course, I'll take a little more time or wear some more dramatic eye colors. I'm a big believer in accentuating what you have and not covering up your natural look.
My absolute favorite and must have makeup products are mineral powder, blush and mascara. Without blush, I look so pale and tired. Same with mascara. I'm thankfully blessed with decently long lashes that curl on their own- I don't own a lash curler! They scare me! Haha!
I recently had the opportunity to try a mascara I've never used before: Younique Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes.
Now, I've heard of this mascara and have seen before and after pictures on friends' Facebook pages and such, but didn't' know much about it other than that. A friend who knows of my love for makeup sent me the mascara to try and review.
(I'm going to go ahead and apologize for my red and irritated allergy eyes in the photos! They've been like this for weeks with everything blooming here!)
(Read to the bottom to find out how you can win a FREE mascara from Cheryl Harrell at Younique!)
First off, the packaging is fabulous! I love the hard carrying/storage case- it's black and sturdy and chic. I was surprised to see two tubes inside, as at first I didn't know the procedure to apply this product. The tube you see on the left in the above picture (shorter tube) is the "Natural Fiber" tube. The longer tube on the right is "Transplanting Gel".
The instructions were clear and easy to follow: Start off with an application of the transplanting gel, then apply a coat of the natural fibers before the gel dries. I have to be honest and say I was a bit intimidated by the fiber tube when I first saw the wand- it is covered in littlefur balls fiber fuzzies. All I could think about was that I was most likely going to get those bringers of eye death little fuzzy fiber suckers all in my eyes (OWWWW!) but thankfully that didn't happen.
My initial thoughts on this product, before using it:
*I was a bit intimidated by the procedure at first. Gel, fibers, gel- this is the order of each coat. You must start with the gel, apply the fibers while the gel is still wet, then seal it all with the gel again. You can apply more than one coat, just follow that order each time. I initially thought this would take a long time to do.
*The first time I applied the natural fibers, I was thinking "Wow, this ins't going to work, they are sticking out off my lashes and falling on my face!" BUT after you apply a coat of fibers, you seal it in with the gel, which cleans it up very nicely.
My absolute favorite and must have makeup products are mineral powder, blush and mascara. Without blush, I look so pale and tired. Same with mascara. I'm thankfully blessed with decently long lashes that curl on their own- I don't own a lash curler! They scare me! Haha!
I recently had the opportunity to try a mascara I've never used before: Younique Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes.
Now, I've heard of this mascara and have seen before and after pictures on friends' Facebook pages and such, but didn't' know much about it other than that. A friend who knows of my love for makeup sent me the mascara to try and review.
(I'm going to go ahead and apologize for my red and irritated allergy eyes in the photos! They've been like this for weeks with everything blooming here!)
(Read to the bottom to find out how you can win a FREE mascara from Cheryl Harrell at Younique!)
The instructions were clear and easy to follow: Start off with an application of the transplanting gel, then apply a coat of the natural fibers before the gel dries. I have to be honest and say I was a bit intimidated by the fiber tube when I first saw the wand- it is covered in little
Here's my zombie before picture / nothing on but a little BB cream:
My initial thoughts on this product, before using it:
*I was a bit intimidated by the procedure at first. Gel, fibers, gel- this is the order of each coat. You must start with the gel, apply the fibers while the gel is still wet, then seal it all with the gel again. You can apply more than one coat, just follow that order each time. I initially thought this would take a long time to do.
*The first time I applied the natural fibers, I was thinking "Wow, this ins't going to work, they are sticking out off my lashes and falling on my face!" BUT after you apply a coat of fibers, you seal it in with the gel, which cleans it up very nicely.
Gel wand- this stuff goes on so easily!
Right eye after one coat of the mascara; left eye still naked!
Up close. This is still just one coat on my right eye only. Wow! Lashes!
Hard to see, but this is the fiber wand. It's kinda furry looking, but thou shalt not fear! :)
Starting with the transplanting gel on my left eye- I'm getting the hang of this!
Application tips:
*Gel, fiber, gel. Make sure you follow that order, as that's how the mascara works!
*Don't be intimidated by the fibers (A.K.A. fuzzies!), they may go on kind of messily and unevenly, but the gel transforms them into perfection!
*The fibers come off the surrounding skin SO EASILY. Yes, they do tend to fall on your face around the eye area during application, but you can lightly wipe them off with a cotton pad or something similar.
Here's an example of a few fibers getting on my face under my left eye- they come off so easily!
This is one coat of the Moodstruck: 3D Fiber Lashes on both eyes. Just one coat on top lashes!
Just another view- still 1 coat
Side view- hey, I like giving you options!
This is a few minutes later, with a little blush, eyeshadow and liner added. I love the finished look!
Final thoughts on this product:
*I LOVE it! I am amazed that I like it so much. I'm extremely hard to please with mascara!
*I adore that it's so easy to clean up off of my skin- no scrubbing removing mascara off my eye-shadowed lids or from around my eyes. It doesn't leave a stain on my skin! This is good news.
*I love the build-ability of it. (Is that a word? Oh well...)
*Once you have tried it a couple of times and gotten into the groove of applying, it doesn't take long at all to do this. Honestly, I can do 1 coat of this stuff in the time it takes me to apply my typical mascara! Almost faster, as I'm no longer worried about getting wet mascara all over my lids!
*Yes, the fuzzies fibers look weird, but they work!
*This mascara didn't melt all over my eye area throughout the day as most normally do on me. YAY! Raccoon eyes begone!
~What do you think? If you are interested in trying this mascara or have any questions about Younique's products, please contact Cheryl at Any orders placed on her website will also be in a drawing to win a FREE mascara! Woot!
I was provided supplied a full size product to sample and asked to give my honest feedback. All reviews and opinions are my own.
So there is a fiber lash kit from Physician's Formula and I kept seeing it in every magazine. I looked in every store I went in and they NEVER had it. Finally they had one left at Target and I bought it and I LOVE it! And the little furry wand freaked me out too.