I really enjoy finding and trying things when I travel or move somewhere that I could not find around my previous home area. So of course, living on another continent and in another country, there are many things here in Germany we don't have in the U.S. and vice versa.
I thought I'd blog about a couple of things every now and then that I have discovered during my time here.
I thought I'd blog about a couple of things every now and then that I have discovered during my time here.
*Packets of "Waffeln"- these crunchy little mini-waffles are available at most grocery stores and even at the drug stores here! You set one on top of your cup of coffee or tea and the steam from your mug heats it up, making the syrup or honey inside warm and sticky and the waffle a bit more soft. They are delicious!
Mezzo Mix- a Coco-Cola product, Mezzo Mix is a combination of cola and orange soda. It is quite popular here. I personally am not a big soda drinker, and wasn't a fan.
Note: Soda is very expensive to buy at a restaurant, bakery or other specialty type store here. It's much cheaper to purchase at a grocery store in the beverage section. Expect to pay around 2.40-3.00 Euros ($2.74-$3.99) for a SMALL glass of cola at a restaurant and there are no free refills. To purchase a plastic bottle of soda, around 0.5 liters, is usually around 1.50-2.00 Euros ($1.71-$2.40) plus the Pfand which is anywhere from 0.25-0.50 cents. The Pfand is returned to you once you have returned your bottle for recycling
Pfand basically means "bottle deposits". You should expect to pay a Pfand for all plastic, aluminum or glass beverage containers in Germany.
I really want one of those waffles. Like really really bad!
ReplyDeleteThey are SO good!